Tuesday 4 October 2011

3D Cinema: The Good, the Bad and the should have been.

Ok, as a rule I loath making sweeping generalisations but in this case I have to make an exception. Generally speaking as a rule 3D cinema is freaking clown shoes. But as we all know with every rule there is an exception so I being with the good.

The only example I can think of to exhibit the (What I think is the proper) use of 3D is in Tron: Legacy. To support my argument I direct your attention to the dinner scene involving Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges), his son Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund) and Quorra (Olivia Wilde). The three character sit at a long white table. The male charaters at the head and foot of the table with Wilde in the centre facing the character harking towards a classic procenium arch. The composition  of the scene already well set, the use of 3D in this scene only enhances the possition of the actors an the props within the scene. Mostly the use of 3D seems to aim to punch out in agressive way towards to audience. This is the flip side. It give the scene a certain depth that draws you into the action and makes you feel like your steping into the grid. And say what you will about Tron, you may love or hate these films but I honestly believe this is the best use of the format.

Mostly I don't aprove of any film that uses 3D as a gimic. Example Resident Evil: Afterlife. OH MY GOODNESS LOOK THERE ARE THINGS FLYING OUT OF THE SCREEN AT US!!!! Thanks but not thanks. If I want to have stuff thrown at my head I'd go to the park on a saturday. I'm shure I'd eventually end up having a frizbi thrown at me.

I'd like to know what film you think would have looked great in. My thought The Big Lebowski. FB me.

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