Thursday 22 September 2011

Come on your just not trying anymore.

Religious people refer to it as a spiritual crisis and I know it can seem a little grandiose to compare losing your faith in what you love to losing your faith in a higher power. But that’s the only way I can think to say it. I’ve lost my love for the cinema. Every so often there’s a little glimmer of hope that reminds me why I catch my breath when I see an article or a promo for a film that seems to be something special. Recently though it seems to be that almost every big film coming out is either a re-make, re-boot, sequel adaptation of a book.
Prime example is the October issue of a rag I frequently purchase Total Film. The cover of this issue features six stories. Superman (Re-Boot), Spiderman (Re-Boot), Judge Dredd (Re-Boot), Men in Black 3 (Sequel), Ghost Rider 2 (Sequel) and of course The Dark Knight Rises (Another Sequel). Not a single Original story, and I know technically if you look at narrative structures as it goes there are finite number of different story’s in cinema, books and theatre.  But what I would like to see it old material with a new plot, something that at the very least makes the effort to be new and interesting.
Don’t get me wrong I will end up seeing all of these films but all I ask is for a little effort. Come on Hollywood earn it.

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