Monday 25 April 2011

What's it all about 2.0

Prefix: I had a problem posting on another blog this is a second try. Thanks again.

Hello Nets, Karyss here. Like all of you I am being bent over a table by a financially retarded society. In V for Vendetta Evey tells V “My father told me that artists use lies to tell the truth and politicians use lies to cover the truth up” with that in mind the Tory motto should be “Money doesn’t make you happy”. Of course that would be the case for those rich Tory wankers who enjoy nothing more than shitting on the working masses of this country.

Of course we are kind of buggered but I could be a tad more frugal. My usual pattern seems to be check my pay has gone into my bank account and make my way directly to Amazon to buy things that I know that I don’t need but still convince myself that I want. Is there any other way to explain why I  bought Dracula 2001 on DVD. Considering that Dracula 2001 is to Wes Craven what The League of Extraordinary is to Stephen Norrington, a skid mark on the solid gold underpants of an impeccable career.

Hold the bus, I digress the reason for me starting this blog is to record my media themed mussing. I will review TV, Film and random thoughts and questions that occur to me, for example if you where to cast a remake of the Rocky Horror Picture Show who would be your Frankenfurter. For me it would be the underrated bearded Scotch beauty that is Gerard Butler.

So this is my nerd-i-festo so take from it what you will. In the mean time consider this blog under construction. Until next time my chums.


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