Saturday 24 March 2012

Sorry dudes.

Hey Guy's, Sorry I've been a little absent recently. As in for the last oh... almost 6months.
Pathetically not much as happened in my life.

Any ways, awkward moving on. One thing that has troubled me recently with cinema in the last 12 months or even the last few years is the growing onslaught of novel adaptations. In 2007 we had Francis Lawrence's adaptation of one of my all time favourite books I Am Legend staring Will Smith. Now don't get me wrong I like Will Smith, I think he has talent and is great at his job but the film was abismal.

For me if your going to do an adaptation make shure you use more from the book than just the title. If it had been a film that hadn't atatched it's self to the book with it's name then I wouldn't have minded so much, because on it's own it's a passable action film but it tried to evoke the same emotional gravitas that the book. In the book you meet Robert Neville a normal man who worked in an office (Not an army scientist who caused the plague) but a normal man trying to get to grips with this new lonely world where he is confronted by death and pain at every turn. I s'pose what I am trying to say is, if your going to make a film of a book then make it a film of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter because the book is something that takes it's self seriously in the most un-serious sort of way. It's like saying "Hi I'd like to see 'Totally awsome fight scene's wraped up in bat-shit insane story that is laughably magnificent" Frankly I can't wait to this this stinking pile of awsome.

And before you think it, Twilight I wouldn't dirty my mouth with discussing at length that sparkling rancid piece of not even good enough to be called fan fiction. And you can say that I'm just jealous of that Stephanie Meyer or what ever her name is but the truth is I would die happy as an unpublished writer than make millions selling that poorly crafted, overly sentimental, 'DULL AS DISHWATER' horse crap that she calls a story.

So in conclusion... oh sod it there is no conclusion that was basically me ranting about to shitty film that make me annoyed that they even exist and another potentially shitty film that I am dying to see.

Until next time keep on bitching. x