Monday 8 August 2011

Why even bad films are good.

A notion that occured to me is this. Even bad films are good. If anything they are better than the good ones. Allow me to explain, it's eays and absolutly wonderful to chat with a friend about films that you both love and enjoy. You do stupid impresssions of the characters, you remember scene's that you thought where funny or moving. But if you spark a conversation about a film that one or both of you find terrible then it's just so much better. Look at failure helps us to recognise our mistakes and to not make them again. Take for example my dear friend Brendan Hill, he thinks the film Wanted is rubbish, I happen to love it. And because of that fact Brendan and I have had many passionate discussions about it. Being British I love to recognise flaws and mistakes and to show my distaste at something. It makes us see that we can be better than what we are and try to improve ourselves. And that is why bad films are good.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

It's not just me it really is awful.

One Tree Hill. It's shit, it's just plain awful. It's poorly written self indulgent moralising crap that panders to tweens and people with low IQ's an no taste. Not only is said program poorly written but it is just as weak in it's execution. The direction is comprable to that of an 80's daytime soap. And the acting, oh good god the acting. 'Oh no, you hate me because I slept with you boyfriend. WAH WAH WAH!!' Hug and be friends because friendship is the best ever *Buckets of Sarcasm*. So put simply One Tree Hill, your shit please stop what you are doing. Thank you.